My Signature Nutrition, LLC offers professional education programs and speakers for conferences, churches, schools, and health fairs. If you would like Sara to speak to your group or at your event about nutrition or a nutrition related topic, contact us today at 903.312.8906 or info@MySignatureNutrition.com. Please provide us with your Name, Group Name/ Event, Email, and Phone number so that we can quickly respond to your request. You can also download our speaker request form here and either fax or email it back to us.
Future Presentations
- Understanding Eating Disorders
Recent Presentations & Speeches
- DSM-5 and Eating Disorders: What RDs Need To Know In Any Practice Area
- Healthy Eating On A Budget
- Emotional Eating: Separating Food & Feelings
- Healthy Eating With Cancer & Beyond
- Nutrition For College Team Dancers
- Nutrition for Team Dancers
- The Chicken or the Egg: Body Image or Weight?
- Eating Well on Campus
- Eating Disorder Treatment & Prevention
- Understanding Eating Disorders (For Individuals, Friends, & Families)
- Understanding Eating Disorders (For Professionals)
- Surviving the Holidays
- Fueling for Performance & Beyond
- Food Connections & Mindful Eating
- Balancing Your Plate with USDA’s My Plate Initiative
- Intuitive Eating
- Hydrating & Fueling for Performance
- Hydration in the Heat
In the News
- Healthful Halloween Alternatives
- Eating Disorder Support Group Provides Help in East Texas
- Prepare Your Turkey Safely This Thanksgiving
- How to: Survive the Flu
- The Junior League of Tyler’s Girl Power “I Am Strong”
- Nutrition Industry Sees Massive Growth
- Fall ‘In Love’ With Dark Chocolate This Valentines Day, for Your Hearts Sake
- National Eating Disorder Awareness Month
- Gardening Improves Your Health
- Food Addiction
- Summertime Foods
- Life Changing Event Allows Woman to Help Others With Health
- Depression Self Remedies
- Juicing: How many benefits does it really have?
- What happens when diet becomes an obsession?
- Are you a hurdle? It’s time to examine your plan if weight won’t come off
- Crash diets can innocently and quickly turn into “Dangerous Dieting”
- Local daycare owner, dietitian offer up healthy lunch ideas
- National Eating Disorder Awareness Week
- Talking Health With The Obese
- Awareness Week for Eating Disorders Begins
- Lacey Smarr Foundation Has First Meeting
- New Year, New Diet
- Nutritionist Shares Importance of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week
- Local dietitian specializing in eating disorders obtains distinctive credential