Category: disordered eating
Clarifying Truths about what Health At Every Size® Is and Isn’t. I’ve always found it so frustrating when people played an air flute backwards. It’s seriously not that confusing and the flute always goes to the right. I did my bachelors degree in music and I played the flute, so when someone does the air flute backwards […]
Our culture (diet culture) makes food and eating so stressful! Diet culture has strict rules about what you should eat, but those rules are always changing. When you try to follow the rules from diet culture, it’s a guaranteed way to feel more stress, anxiety, guilt and shame around food. To truly feel at peace […]
Listening to the diet culture message about carbs? Here’s why you shouldn’t
March 15th, 2019 by Sara Upson
I’m not sure there’s a macronutrient with a worse reputation than carbs. Diet culture has labeled carbs as the root of all evil, the epitome of all illness, the thing that is going to make or break your health. Heck, even your life! The fear mongering around carbs is out of control! It’s unnecessary, and it couldn’t be […]
Over the weekend, a client emailed me a link to an article about intuitive eating (IE). It was one of those articles about IE that appears on a diet culture fitness page- where in reality it had very little to do with IE. The client was emailing it to me saying- “look someone I know […]
If candy’s haunting you, here’s what to do
October 22nd, 2018 by Sara Upson
I remember when I was 10 years old my 5thgrade English teacher was afraid of Halloween. She described it as the worst day of the year. I can vividly remember her saying that after school was over she’d rush home, hang up sheets over her windows and turn out all the lights so that no […]
Ending the Legacy of Dieting
October 8th, 2018 by Sara Upson
Several years ago I was at an eating disorder conference where one of the presenters showed a video clip from Oprah about a very young girl (I think 5 -6 years old) who had anorexia nervosa. They interviewed the mom in the video and she repeatedly stated that she had no idea where the daughter […]
The Legacy of Dieting
October 8th, 2018 by Sara Upson
Remember that part in the movie Forrest Gump where Lieutenant Dan is talking about how it’s a tradition in his family to die in combat? He describes how his father, and his father’s father, and his grandfather’s father (and on and on) were killed in war; that this is the legacy in his family. He […]
Sometimes people get really mad when I talk about orthorexia. Like shouting match loud and mad. “How can healthy eating be a problem? Next you’re going to say that it’s fine to eat fast food…” And the truth is- it’s fine to eat fast food. I’m not saying you should eat it every day […]
Confused About What Exactly Is An ‘Eating Disorder Behavior?’ Blame Diet Culture
February 16th, 2018 by Sara Upson
Eating disorders are the deadliest mental illness. Per the National Institute on Mental Health, they have the highest mortality rate of all psychiatric illnesses. Sadly, the false beliefs about eating disorders are rampant and diet culture makes it more confusing by normalizing eating disorder behaviors. You could even go as far as calling diet culture […]
The Average Weight Watchers Member Has Signed Up Four Times & Now They’re Marketing To Teens.
February 12th, 2018 by Sara Upson
Have you seen Weight Watchers latest marketing gimmick in the news? If not, let me update you- weight watchers recently announced that they will offer free membership to teens over the summer. I know on the surface this may appear to be a kind and generous thing that they’re doing to help teens, but please don’t […]